IFSC Results Browser

Project Overview


I've always been obsessed with sport climbing and, by extension, the related results and statistics. I wanted to create a simple web app that would allow me to search for climbing competitions and view the results in a clean, easy-to-read format.

The International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) is the official international organization that runs climbing competitions worldwide. Currently they host their results on a site ifsc.results.info.

Development Process:

I started by approaching the concept from what steps I need to accomplish in order to display any event. I needed to scrape the data from the current results page, host it on my server, and create a web app that would display the data in a user-friendly way.

I used Python to scrape the data from the IFSC site and store it in a set of JSON files. I then created a FastAPI server to serve JSON documents given the request. Finally, I created a React web app that would fetch the data from my server and display it in a user-friendly manner of my choosing.